II.8  Report on Radicals
(Value 1 quiz grade due Tuesday November 22)

Write a 7 page report that:
    1) Explains what a free radical and charged radicals are and how they differ from an ion such as an anion.  Mention which is more stable, i.e. which has a longer
            lifetime in general.
    2) Explains the following statement "Chain transfer refers to transfer of a "chain reaction" i.e. the free radical, not the polymer chain."  Give an example of a
            reaction that does not involve a polymer chain but which has "chain (reaction) transfer".
    3) Expains the role of free radicals in biology and how vitamin C can act as a free radical scavanger in the human body.  (Linus Pauling's role in this topic should
            be noted.)  You should mention your opinion of the effectiveness of vitamin C at preventing cancer and colds.
    4)  Outline Lenz's section from chapter 11 on chain transfer in polymerization reactions, CT to monomer, solvent, polymer, initiator etc.