Project I.3: Computer program to calculate n1,n2,n3,n4,mw,mz,PDI and s
Value: 1.5 Quiz (I'll work out the 0.5), Due October 20 (2 weeks)

This project involves writing a simple program to perform numerical integrations of GPC data to calculate n1,n2,n3,n4,nw,nz,PDI and s as well as Rg.  Two GPC data sets from a polyethylene "standard" (unimodal) and a commercial high density polyethylene sample (bimodal) are available on the web, Text File Bimodal, Text File Unimodal.  The text files have "Slice RT " (retention time) and "Slice Area" (Detector reading) columns which you should use as input. 

Retention time, t, in seconds can be converted to molecular weight, n, in g/mol by,