Homework 1
Materials & Energy Balances
Due Monday April 5 12 midnight 492 Rhodes.

Problems from Felder and Rousseau
Chapter 2 page 31 (17 problems and a program)

2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 2.8, 2.19, 2.22-2.26

2.31, 2.32, 2.33, 2.36, 2.37

Write a computer program using Igor Pro to do a least squares fit of a set of x-y data with error in y values.
Use this program to do problems 2.40 and 2.45 (using error of 1 where you don't know the error).

The linked values were measured for small angle scattering of x-rays, Intensity (cm-1) versus scattering vector q (Å-1) (reduced angle of scattering).  The size of the objects that scattered can be obtained from Guinier's law I(q) = G exp(-(qRg)2/3).  The standard deviation for intensity can be estimated as the square root of the intensity.  Linearize Guinier's Law and propogate the error to the linearized term for intensity.  Do a linear regression to obtain G and Rg and propogate the errors from I to your answers for the linear regression.  Give values and error for G and Rg from this data set.

Please turn in your answers and a printout of your computer program code.

I will be around on Friday and Monday if you have problems

(You can use the Chemical Engineering or Materials Engineering Student Lounge to work on the problems
Chemical is on 6'th floor between Baldwin and Rhodes and Materials is on the 5'th floor of Rhodes.)