Class Notes (some errors in notes please follow Strobl Text which is mostly correct)
Synthetic Polymers List; What is a Polymer?; Bubbles
Yield Stress Oscillatory Rheometer, Chris Macosko video, Oscillatory Shear Rheometry, DSC Southern Mississippi, Characterization Class, GPSANS Oak Ridge, Static Light Scattering,

Properties of an isolated polymer molecule.pdf
Gaussian Probability.pdf (1/7/09), Gaussian Integrals
Theta Temperature Plot.pdf
Lohse Review 2005 (1/14/09)
Fetters and Richter and Unidad 2015

2006 Yethiraj Bottle Brush; Connolly Bottle Brush; Ising Chain Model Colby p. 59; Gedde Polymer Physics p.24; Strobl p. 57;

Witten Paper on Packing Length (1989)
----Topological Model (1/19/08)
----Brownian Motion
---------****Chandrasekhar's Seminal Review of
                          Stochastic/Markovian Processes

---------Einstein 1905 Paper on Brownian Motion
---------Brownian Motion Simulation, Another Brownian 080123
---------Gaussian Plot Derivation of Gaussian Moments, Question
----Why doesn't thermodynamics apply at the micron to nanometer scale?
Persistence.html (2007)
----Persistence Length/RISM.pdf
----Flory II Persistence, Page 111 Derivation
-----Persistence/Kuhn Definitions, Boal: Simon Fraiser Univ.
----------Statistical Physics of Chains
----Protein Structure

Hydrodynamic Radius.pdf
Kirkwood Reisman Theory Paper
Radius of Gyration.pdf
----Derivation of Guinier's Law (Gaussian Approach)
----Radius of Gyration Feigin Svergun Book
----Benoit-Higgins Rg things (star at end)
----Convolution:Correlation:Fourier Transform
Dynamic Light Scattering
----------Hydrodynamic radius.html Link
----------Hydrodynamic Radius for a Rod.pdf
             HiemenzRajagopalan DLS
             Schaefer and Han 1985 DLS in Polymers
Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS) Mason, Gang, Weitz 1997
    1993 paper

Flory Krigbaum Prediction Plots
----Coffee Cup and Doughnut (from Wikipedia)
----Diffusion of Space Junk

Coil to Globule (Collapse) Transition.pdf, Oxford Coil to Globule Web Page,
 PRLCoiltoGlobulePNIPAM 1998; 2008 Coil to Globule, Book
Birshtein 1991 Coil to Globule x, y, B, C like notes
Biscerano & Douglas & Brune Intrinsic Viscosity Book 1999

Kirkwood biography

Book on Statistical Physics with Polymer Parts

Larson Review Article on Tube Model for Rheology
Julia Higgins Review Article tube diameter (2016)

Lohse Packing Length
Witten Packing Length
Lin Packing Length

Polyelectrolyte Chains (China); Dobyrnin Persistence Length Article; 2017 polyelectrolyte force extension

Extensional Flows c* vs ce; Colby

What is a polymer
A Polymer at Thermal Equilibrium

Interesting Persistence Web Page UPenn
Persistence with branching.pdf; Experimental Persistence with SCB
Anrun Paper
Persistence Pittsburgh; Wikipedia Persistence
Electrostatic Persistence Length, Dobrynin (2005)
RISM Twente
Brownian Motion Simulation; Chain Dynamics applet; Random Walk PSU
--------Ising Simulation Applet
--------General information on Ising Model
Background:  Wikipedia Entropy (Should be fully understood)
                      Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics Class (Section 2)
Thermal Blob Notes.pdf
Fractal/Elastomer Mechanics
Witten Paper
Partition Function Definition
Excluded Volume in Gasses (the original Exc. Vol.)
Debye Polymer Scattering.pdf
Phase Behavior for Dilute Solutions Wilding Mueller Binder 1993


More DMA.pdf
VT dissertation chapter.pdf

Strobel Chapter (Works on UC IP only)

Non-Woven Fractals

Concentrated solutions and melts.html
Thermal BlobNotes.pdf, Thermal Blob Notes.html

Colby: Entanglement vs Overlap Concentration

Daoud Cotton Model.pdf, Confinement Blobs (Yale), Blobs and Brushes (UConn), Chain Trumpeting (Mainz)

ZimmPlot.png Strobl
Zimm Equation.pdf

Kirkwood 1954 RH calculation

Flory Huggins Equation, Plot FH.pdf
PolymerBlendsSKrause.pdf, PolymerBlendsUK.pdf
----------Electrostatic screening
More on Screening Analogy
---apm install atom-hyperlinks
-----Pincus Paper
-----Sukumaran Paper
---- Osmotic Pressure from Kinetic Theory of Gasses
----Gas Mixing, Gas Mixing Oxford (better)
----Expaned Coil Osmotic Pressure.html
----Strobl Osmotic Plotsaf
----Polymer Blends.pdf
----Spinodal Decomposition and other Morphological Consequences
----------Movie of Spinodal Decomposition
----------Better Movies of Spinodal and Ostwald Ripening
Hashimoto Spinodal Paper
----More RPA Notes '03

----Yamakawa Book (His web page

Cahn-Hilliard vs Gibbs-Thompson

Derivation of Debye Equation.pdf

Structure formation at surfaces Pincus 2017

Reference for 0.588 (1980)

Concentrated solutions and melts.pdf
----------Electrostatic screening
More on Screening Analogy
---apm install atom-hyperlinks
-----Pincus Paper
-----Sukumaran Paper
---- Osmotic Pressure from Kinetic Theory of Gasses
----Gas Mixing
----UCLA che212 (
----French Osmotic Pressure/FH
----Osmotic Pressure Oxford
                  (More Thomas Oxford)
----Expanded Coil Osmotic Pressure.pdf
----Osmotic Pressure from FH Eqn
----ZimmPlot IAS
----Ideal Gas DG ; Ideal Gas Mixing
----Polymer Blends.pdf
Spinodal Decomposition and other Morphological Consequences
----------Movie of Spinodal Decomposition
----------Another Movie for Spinodal
Plots of Flory Huggins Equation:
----------N = 1 Variable Chi from 0 to 4
----------N = 1 Chi = 2.5
----------Chi = 2.5 Variable N
----------Chi = 0 Variable N
----------Combinatorial PVME Phase Separation NIST
Hashimoto Spinodal Paper
----More RPA Notes '03
Sheffield Notes
Flory Rehner Theory from Flory I.pdf; Degennes c* Theorem;
                         Sukumaran GTB Theorem

Dynamics and Linear Response Theory
      Wikipedia Impulse Response
      Electrical Dynamics from Germany (Local)
      Statistical Mechanics From NYU
      MIT Linear Resonse (Electrical)
      Buffalo Non-Equil Mol Dynamics
Strobl 2 Dynamic Constants
Lodge Liquid.pdf (Lodge Liquid.html)
Science 2004 Dynamics

Debye relaxor and Modes of Relaxation
Protein Glass Transition.pdf Review
Dissipation of Fluctuations
Rouse and Dumb-bell Models:
----Dumb-bell Model.html
Dumb bell Italy , Paper on DNA using Dumb Bell
----Rouse Model.html
Entanglements.html, Paper Defining "Entanglement"
Hydrodynamic Interactions.html Underconstruction

Larson definition of terms for Tube Model

Padding Lectures on Polymer Dynamics Part I, Part II

Dynamics and Linear Response Theory
Debye relaxor and Modes of Relaxation
Dissipation of Fluctuations
Lodge Liquid.pdf

Rouse Model.pdf
Hydrodynamic Interactions.pdf Underconstruction

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian (Arizona)

Polymer Dynamics Twente

Rubber Elasticity.html
-----(Background on Continuum Mechanics.pdf)
-----Rubber Elasticity for Mech of Mat.
Polymer gels.html
Rubber Elasticity.pdf
-----(Background on Continuum Mechanics.pdf)
-----Rubber Elasticity for Mech of Mat.pdf
Polymer gels.pdf
What is a critical review? (html); What is a critical review? (pdf)
From S01 Some Information is outdated: How to Write a Critical Review.pdf
From S01 Some Information is outdated: More on Critical Review.pdf
Example Critical Review (2005)